Global Esports Index January 2021

Top Global Esports Teams Overall in January 2021

Based on Total Actions (reactions, comments, shares, retweets and likes)

Social Scorecard

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Rank Team Name Actions
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Actions per content
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1 FaZe Clan 9,634,448 167 57,691 16,493,398
2 Bigetron Esports 6,823,334 249 27,403 1,270,707
3 Rex Regum Qeon 4,592,530 136 33,769 2,966,826
4 EVOS Esports 3,472,495 171 20,307 5,347,563
5 G2 Esports 2,515,725 669 3,760 2,760,136
6 Team Secret 2,467,540 634 3,892 1,697,227
7 NRG 1,806,503 130 13,896 2,381,603
8 PaiN Gaming 1,571,580 367 4,282 2,984,448
9 T1 League of Legends 1,194,862 184 6,494 1,439,394
10 Natus Vincere 1,072,715 396 2,709 3,369,238

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